Last year, there was a major flood ( some dubbed it the hundred year flood ) in Boulder on my birthday. No one I know personally was seriously affected, but there was some serious damage in and around Boulder. Come January, Whimseybox participated in an event at Whole Foods to raise money to help those affected where I won a silent auction bid for a spot at the summer Makerie on the Farm! Hooray! I went last year just to take photos for the Whimseybox blog and drool endlessly over the amazing workshops and oh-em-gee-soooooo-delicious farm fresh food so I already knew how incredible it was going to be.
Having the creative job I do allows me to experiment with and learn about all different crafts. I’m good at being able to pick up a new craft or skill with little instruction and I’m used to learning new things, so I was excited when I found this particular class to take at the Makerie. It was a unique blend of digging inside yourself and actually getting your hands dirty. Rather than teaching myself something new ( which to me, feels familiar ), I explored a little creative writing, which I haven’t done in forever, plus I got to take home an amazing succulent frame! I loved this part of the class description – “It is a chance to drop in to the deep creative reservoir already inside you, right now, and to put into words what’s already there.”
I’ll quit talking now and let the photos do the talking!
Last time I visited the farm, they had baby goats. SO cute I could hardly stand it. This year? BABY ALPACAS! Baby alpacas, people. They stole the show for sure. ( I mean come on, they’re kissing! )
This guy was cracking me up! Giving me the side-eye and showing me his teef. I love him.
Christine, our instructor, was amazing! She was so warm, welcoming and genuinely excited about the class, which made it easier to open up to complete strangers.
The variety of succulents she brought for us to use was amazing. Between the red or purple tipped and the mint green cabbage look-a-like, it was hard to pick a favorite. I had a lot of fun coming up with a beautiful arrangement.
Do you recognize the work of this class instructor? It’s Theresa of Wonderbound Press who taught a class on woodblock printing and wall art.
See those storm clouds a’brewin over the hill? They just had to rain on our parade! Not long after the gorgeous farm dinner table was set up, the skies started to open, so we moved the tables and ate under the cover of the porch roof. Which, I assure you, had no effect on the deliciousness of the food. Yum.
Halfway through dinner, the rain presented its’ silver lining, a rainbow! A double rainbow at that. It seemed the most appropriate end to an amazing day.
Thanks Christine, Ali and everyone at the Lyons Farmette for the most wonderful day! ( That’s Betsy and her husband, owners of the Farmette, in the last photo, aren’t they cute?! )
- Elizabeth Gilbert, Big Magic
A collection of Fine Art Prints from life on the road in my camper van.
follow my journey @alyssareneemade