When I moved to Colorado, my first apartment had huge west-facing windows that allowed plants to flourish. I still managed to kill one or two other plants, but my orchids and cactii did well. I loved the vibrant color the orchids added to the space, especially because my style is pretty minimal. My new place in Boulder has proven to be quite the challenge for me and my little plants. I live in a half basement ( with my wonderful roommate Melly! ), which means the only light I have in my room is semi-filtered morning sun.
The violets are newbies, but the begonia and rubber plant have been going steady for a few months now, yay!
I used to have some little terrarium plants in this container, but that was an epic fail, so I turned it into a little zen garden.
This is my third orchid in three months, they haven’t been doing so hot in my new place. I’ll just soak up their beauty while I can!
- Elizabeth Gilbert, Big Magic
A collection of Fine Art Prints from life on the road in my camper van.
follow my journey @alyssareneemade