Haaaaaappy music monday!! It’s delightfully cooler today!!! And it’s the first day of OCTOBER!!!! I’m very excited about it!!! Waay too many exclamation points!!!! October is just a great month. Everything smells delicious, I get to start wearing boots and jeans everyday, and then at the end of the month everyone dresses up like fools and has a big party. Ah, October.
In the interest of keeping your spirits as high as mine, I bring you a rather unique and creative music video. WIllow is an indie rock band from Belgium (solidifying the fact I love everything that comes out of that country) whose sound is vaguely reminiscent of…something… I haven’t quite put my finger on it yet. I discovered this gem on one of my favorite artist/design blogs – Booooooom! Enjoy!
- Elizabeth Gilbert, Big Magic
A collection of Fine Art Prints from life on the road in my camper van.
follow my journey @alyssareneemade