Sometimes Monday brings on a feeling of dread for me, but this Monday feels different. I feel more motivated and hopeful. Monday can brush away the ashes of a bad week to reveal all the possibilites of a brand new week. Here’s hoping your week is a lovely one!
This week’s song is by Portugal, the Man. If you haven’t heard of them yet, they’re awesome. I hadn’t ever seen the video before writing this post, and it’s a lot more than I bargained for. It’s 13 minutes long and has a slightly disturbing ending…so I won’t post it like I normally do! Instead, here’s a link to just the song. Go ahead, give it a listen! It’s really nice and calming.
I’ll leave you with a little sneak peek of a DIY coming later this week!
– Alyssa
- Elizabeth Gilbert, Big Magic
A collection of Fine Art Prints from life on the road in my camper van.
follow my journey @alyssareneemade